Earth Day 2020 Challenges For Kids!

This year, Earth Day is April 22, 2020. Since we’re all pretty much stuck at home why not celebrate by engineering something useful with items from your recycle bin and from around the house and yard? 


Using items from your recycle bin (please ask an adult if it’s ok first) along with scissors, tape, and/or glue, create something a family member can use. Use your imagination, creativity, and even artistic talent!

Make something new, or something no one has ever seen or thought of before. Take time to plan your engineering design based on the items you find. Post pictures of your inventions in the comments below, or on Cool-ology’s social media pages. 

Possible creations:

  • a phone holder
  • shoes
  • a table or chair
  • book or pencil holder
  • a vase
  • a container with a handle that an adult or other family member can use to carry something in

The list is endless. Good Luck!

Engineering Design Process


Make the world a prettier (and healthier) place by creating and distributing wildflower SEED BOMBS! The flowers that result will benefit insects, birds, and the environment. Plus flowers make people happy! There are lots of ways to make these if you search the internet, but here’s a simple recipe:

You Will Need:

  • 1 cup clay soil
  • 2-3 cups compost or gardening soil
  • seeds (wildflower packets are perfect)
  • large bowl

What To Do:

  • Mix the soils together in your bowl. You can experiment with ratios but generally, a 3-1 gardening soil/compost to clay works best. You want your mixture to stick together, but have enough nutrients to feed your seeds while they’re germinating.
  • Add your seeds to the soil and mix gently, but well with your hands. 
  • Form the seed bombs about 1-2 inches in diameter. Their size is up to you but smaller seed bombs have a better chance at germinating. 
  • Throw them anywhere you want your seed to grow- a flower bed, plant pot, a meadow, or patch of dirt that doesn’t get disturbed! Make sure you have permission and that your seed bombs are in a spot with adequate sun and access to water (you may want to water them occasionally, especially in dry weather). 
  • Enjoy the fruits of your labor!